Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What's your crazy???

Just to get to know some of the family, My Husband is Lars-Olaf, this is before he grew a mustache, and gave up the sword fighting. Those extra brewskis and wine with his buddy Bacchus have added a tad of a belly. Just more to love :)

This picture is of me, Brunhilde. It was taken after a contentious business meeting, not to fear, I was victorious. Breasts are real, the hair is extensions, both can really be intimidating in a meeting. I anticipate I'll be leaner as I cut back those carbs.
I was going to start out this blog with a depression era photo, and ask the question "What's your crazy??" There would have been multiple allusions to my parents, but I'm feeling alot more powerful than that tonight. Another time, maybe....... Tonight I am "Brunhilde "of the magnificent bosums.

Yes I come from crazy

1 comment:

  1. Where do you come up with this stuff? I didn't know you were even funny. This shit is hilarious!
